Articpy is a NLP Processing and Analysis program built entirely on Python. Streamlit, a package used to build intuitive UIs and Dashboards, to build the general dashboard for the application. Data processing libraries such as pandas and numpy was used to load and preprocess the data. spaCy and NLTK was used to tokenize the data and conduct elementary NLP analysis on the text. Hugging Face Transformers models were used for more advanced NLP analysis, such as text categorisation and summarisation.
Travela is a collaborative travel planning app that collates all the important tasks that you need to do to prepare for your overseas trip, from Document Storage and Retrieval to Itinerary Planning. This was achieved by using the Flutter/Dart tech stack as the main underlying implementation of the application, and various other APIs such as the Google Places API (for location auto-completion) and OpenWeather API (for location-based weather data) to implement important features of the app.
The Sample Application was developed during my internship at SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). This application allows users to interact with some of the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) provided by SSG through their browser, without needing to set up anything on their system, thereby allowing for more rapid experimentation and development.